Oct 14


Okay, so it’s just a small chunk of a larger project that I’ve been messing about with for fun, but still, it’s nice to see work head out into the world.

A while ago, I started taking the chess games I was playing in the club and on chess.com and feeding them into SCID-vs-PC to run analysis engines on them; and because I’m a bit of a luddite in some ways, I wanted to be able to print off a report on them so I could sit down at the table with a cup of tea and a chessboard and play through a game while reading the engine’s analysis of it. If you don’t play chess yourself, the reason you’d do this is so you can see what moves and sequences of moves the computer thinks you should have played, and whether or not they were good lines for a human player to take – if the computer is saying “Oh, if you just played this sequence of seventeen moves perfectly you could have gained a half-pawn advantage here”, then you can pretty much ignore it unless you’ve been playing for decades and could actually do that in a game under time pressure (hint: I can’t 😀 ). On the other hand, if it says “Yeah, if you’d made this move, you’d have had checkmate in one move”, you probably want to see that so you remember the tactic in case you ever see it again 😀

Now SCID-vs-PC couldn’t print directly itself but it had a LaTeX report output function so I tried that, and found it relied on a LaTeX package called chess12 which was for LaTeX 2.09, even though LaTeX2e replaced Latex 2.09 in 1994 and chess12 itself hadn’t been touched since 1992. Turns out to be quite hard to get that old a setup to work, so effectively the LaTeX output was useless. But SCID-vs-PC is an open source project in a language I’ve been working in for decades and I did more than my fair share of LaTeX writing in college and afterwards (academia uses LaTeX pretty extensively because only a masochistic sociopath would entrust their thesis or research papers to Microsoft Word), so I figured it couldn’t be too hard to fix. And it wasn’t – I was able to get it to use a newer LaTeX chess package called skak, and to add in some nice graphing using ps-tricks as well as formatting things better on an A4 page using koma (all of which are standard LaTeX packages for all the sane distributions out there). But it has seriously renewed my belief that C++ is not a great language to do string processing in 😀

Anyway, the first version of the report code just shipped in the latest SCID-vs-PC version (4.13). I still have a few more ideas to bolt in there, particularly around the analysis graph and the detection of analysis scores in the PGN files (which seem to have different formats from just about every possible engine). And we already have some pretty serious refactoring in mind because the code’s a bit of a mess when it comes to output. But for now, if you load your game up in SCID-vs-PC and spit it out in LaTeX format, then run it through the standard latex-dvips-pstopdf chain (for some reason the latex2pdf tool chokes at the moment, that’s on the list of things to fix), you’ll get something like this:

Bodley 2014 Round 2

Round 2


Continue reading →

Sep 14

Bodley League Strength

I kept waiting for the LCU site to put up the player panels and other tables for this year’s leagues, but nothing had shown up even after several of the round one games were played; then I saw this morning on boards.ie that they’ve actually gone up on ChessLeague.net here (I have no idea why they’d maintain two sites, especially when they’re not being fed from a database but generated on someone’s computer, but I guess no-one’s made it easy enough yet):

Division 7 isn’t up yet, but they’re still ironing out the details on that one, so fair enough. There’s also a player list showing everyone back to 2003, and a handy all-on-one-page set of league tables, and of course the all-important upcoming fixtures list (though it seems to have a few divisions missing from it).

I’m having some fun reading through the Bodley player panels right now to see who we‘re up against and how highly they’re rated — it’s not all great reading 😀

ClubAvg.RatingAvg.Rating Top Five
Naomh Barróg1071.81090.8
St Benildus A1073.21073.2
Elm Mount999.0999.0
St Benildus B928.2978.8
Rathmines A680.6952.8
Rathmines B725.9808.4
Bray / Greystones

Bodley 2014 League Strength

The Curragh club have some nice strength in depth there, though Malahide inches them out given that only five boards can play in a match; Enniscorthy have a 1950 rated player on their panel which is rather skewing things (why they’re playing in the Bodley of all places is something even they couldn’t answer last year), but all it takes is for them to have one or two players unable to make a game (and for Enniscorthy, with all that travel they have to do, that’s a fairly large risk) and they’re going to lose points off several of the teams. Not to mention that it’s the Bodley and the ratings are generally very unstable in the Bodley so they’re not the greatest of indicators. Nonetheless, the top place does look to be a fight between Enniscorthy and Malahide and player attendance levels in Enniscorthy will play a large role there. There’s a lot more contention over third place, with three or four clubs in the league in realistic contention there. Personally I’d like to think Benildus A will take it – they’re lower on ratings, but play up very well, and they have a few decent sub players to call on if needed. So Malahide, Enniscorthy, and Benildus A would be my guess for the top three this year; and I think our team (Benildus B) will come in as seeded, maybe a little better.

Just for fits and giggles by the way, here’s what that graph looked like last year (including both A and B groups):

Bodley 2013 League Strength

Either way, it’s going to make for an interesting year – and speaking of which, next game is this Wednesday, at home, against Bray/Greystones, which should prove a bit of a challenge if they’re as strong as they were last year, when they could field three 1100s, a 1000, and an 850, which would see us in uphill fights on boards 1 through 4 and at a serious disadvantage on board 5…

Sep 14

Bodley 2014/15 season

Bodley (tea) Cup

So the dates for the 2014-15 Bodley Cup have been released (but aren’t yet up on the LCU website, odds are that’s just a small while away though – not all the teams and such have been finalised yet) [edit – yup, less than two days later they’re now up on the LCU website].

First match is far sooner than I expected it to be, on September 24 with a Benildus-A-v-Benildus-B game that will probably wind up being like a parish boundary GAA game (ie, wear a helmet even if you’re just spectating!). All the matches have been brought forward in fact, so that the last round can happen for all seven divisions on the one day (Sunday April 11 2015) in a neutral venue (probably in the Teachers Club in Parnell Square). Which will be fun.

This year sees the resurrection of a seventh division after a decade or two of not enough teams to run it; the idea is that it’ll become the entry-level division for new players, a role the Bodley was fulfilling up to now. Benildus will be entering at least one team into this division. We’ll also have two teams in the Bodley (Benildus A just being pipped at the post for promotion last season), one in the O’Hanlon, one in the Heidenfeld and one in the Armstrong. For the beginners reading this wondering who and what those are, they’re just the names given each division (usually relating to who paid for the trophies initially 😀 ):

1Armstrong Cup
2Heidenfeld Trophy
3Ennis Shield
4O’Hanlon Cup
5BEA Cup
6Bodley Cup
7O’Sullivan Cup

And no, the real Bodley Cup isn’t a teacup (it’s just that there’s a specific make of antique tea cup… look, it was funny at the time, okay?), it’s this:

Bodley Cup

So far the lineup for the Benildus B team (which I’ll be on again) looks like:

Bodley1HomeSt Benildus B v AWed7:3024/09/14
Bodley B2AwayElm MountMon7:3006/10/14
Bodley B3HomeMalahideWed7:3015/10/14
Bodley B4AwayWicklowSat2:3015/11/14
Bodley B5HomeRathmines BWed7:3021/01/15
Bodley B6AwayRathmines AMon7:3002/02/15
Bodley B7HomeBray/GreystonesWed7:3018/02/15
Bodley B8AwayEnniscorthySat2:3028/02/15
Bodley B9HomePortmarnockWed7:3011/03/15
Bodley B10AwayCurragh ASat2:3011/04/15
Bodley B11NeutralCurragh BSunTBC19/04/15

We have some awful logistics with the away matches, Enniscorthy will be three hours driving for three hours (at most!) chess, but it can’t be helped. Round 5 should be interesting though, both teams at home after a rather long xmas break that takes in half of November, all of December and two thirds of January – lots of cobwebs to blow away, or lots of time to study up, depending on diligence levels!